Ride to Work partners with local workforce development organizations to develop proprietary candidate pools for employers.
employers I pipeline I retention I tax credits
We work with suburban employers who currently recruit or plan to recruit from Philadelphia or other urban centers. Instead of competing for talent in the general market, RTW develops a separate and distinct recruitment channel to fulfil employers’ hiring needs.
We leverage our strong partnerships with the local workforce development community to develop a Sustainable, On Demand, Scalable (SOS) Candidate Pipeline based on employer need. Over 90 days, RTW works with employers to select the desired number of hires, the seasonality of hiring demand, and the processes and procedures of interviewing and onboarding candidates. Our pipeline focuses on adversely impacted and marginalized (AIM) workers from under-tapped and diverse workforce markets.
Each candidate recruited through the SOS Pipeline is offered transportation to and from the employer worksite once they start work to avoid any transportation related attrition. We have an 85% retention rate which involves checking in with employees and case manages over 90 days and beyond if contracted.
RTW partners with experts to advise on how employers can receive tax credits for employing workforce development candidates. This significantly improves the overall return on investment for the employer in developing and using the SOS Pipeline.